There are websites about film complete with interviews with directors and actors.

Be prepared to be taken on a journey in these evaluations on films to examine the ways they provide a way to distant worlds. They (horror movies page) also help illuminate different kinds of cultures and practices in order to foster peace and understanding.Discover Your Next ObsessionDecker ShadoUnder Siege Movie ReviewThe evil Leprechaun is portra

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Halloween 2018 Movie Review

40 years after John Carpenter's Halloween, a new entry in the series seeks to do one thing if nothing else... write out of existence literally every single sequel in the franchise, and the Rob Zombie films to (blog post) boot. Other than that, exactly how does it stack (blog) up as a modern slasher, as funny horror movies well as a Halloween movi

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Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior Movie Review

Released a mere 2 years after the original, Mad Max 2 completely changed the image of the franchise and set the standard for sequels to come. It also obviously was science fiction movies a heavy influence in the Fallout franchise, thanks to the huge budget and market penetration (blog post) it had. Quite a mark was left on (blog post) the world w

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Battle Star Wars Movie Review

A special review for May the 4th, we'll be looking at Battle Star Wars! What's that got to do with Star Wars? (blog post) Well.. just look at the ...Source: Battle Star Wars Movie Review science fiction movie reviews - Decker Shado More Videos

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Deadfall Trail Movie Review

When two indie filmmakers were raising funds to make a movie and only got about 100k to work with, instead of forcing a high budget idea out in low budget form they instead made an entirely new idea with those funds in mind. This is how Deadfall Trail came to be, a movie that is nothing but woodlands and three guys out on a survival kick. While c

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